Saturday, 27 December 2008

Digital module

this is my final video I created from the story board I had to make a few changes to make the video work.

Friday, 26 December 2008

The idea for this thumbnail was to use the word drag in another language like drag used as another word or slang for cigeret.

This is my story bored of my 10 cecond piece using all three words and three colurs red, black and white.

Thursday, 18 December 2008


Do we have what it takes?

Monday, 15 December 2008

Better late than never!
I finaly found away to put on an video from the internet but not from you tube.
This is one of my favourite motion video from again
there style is very fresh and sleek.
Its cleverly constructed together,with three screens

Title: Lost
Media: DVD
Client: » Chris Jones
Commissioned by: » Lovebytes
Misc: Minimal, Type in motion, for this Visual Poem to run over
3 plasma screens wide at the » Millennium Galleries in Sheffield.


Only just discovered this company called Renascent which create amazing motion graphics.On there website they have a montage of all the work comerical and personal projects but but i cant find there video on you tube. but i have found a few other onces.

The best of there work is on there website

but here a few a was able to find

Title: Nike In-Store 3D World
Media: Television/Video Wall
Client: » Nike
Commissioned by: » Postpanic
Misc: 3D Nike World created to function as transitions
between sport footage that was mastered by Postpanic.
Presented here is a personal edit of this World.
To see the full result please visit a Nike Store near you.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Saturday, 6 December 2008

I like the inflatable typography taken a photograph rather than using photoshop and illustrator

Motion Graphics Showreel - Stephen Watkins

Magomed Dovjenko

I would like to know how the shine effect works weather its photographic or done on illustrator and photo shop or is it an mixture of both.But the effects well so the contrast s of works well it has a dark glossy effect.

It looks like the black and white version is pretty much the same illustration from the bottom typography "type". The mixture of colours work best more eye catching.

This is an fantastic layout Works really well as in pattern and colours.The lines makes you're eyes follow around the image and text.

This also works well mixing a decorative typography and using typography to give information.

Tauba Auerbach

The Typography looks like it should be in Casino Royal James Bond film.Cold image that there is a lot of potential to create the typography to an animation.

Colour work than the patterns look good but i don't know what it says?

Friday, 5 December 2008

Alex Trochut

Alex has a noticeable style.Its simple idea but creates purfesional look.

Research ibet

I fond a graphic designer/typographer.Who's work is very distinctive and colourful. Its very beautiful and delicately made but does the word match with his illustration she he or she has created.

The image works really well.The fact that all of George Bush's issues with war,terrorism and money bursts out of the paper.

The contrast of colours work well with the brown,oranges and blues.Not sure what its about but maybe that's the whole idea is to be impressed by this work and go and fine out more what its about.

Its pretty but doesn't exactly fit to the subject.Even though its got Chinese simbles still doesnt work as it should.

This typography is very delicate, the black and white colours work well.Still though free tibet doesnt match the patterns around the typography.

Bob Dylan

Thursday, 4 December 2008


This is what i did in the lesson but does not work what im wanting to do needs a lot a work done.And same for this one as well.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Very short but that is also amazing.I don't have a clue how they did that but loved to know how though.
wow.Kinda looks like non format would do.

Reminds me of my inspired logo.The goood brief.

Again its not got typography in it but i like the ways it feel you are going in to the animation sucks you in in that sort of aspect.Brilliant made and very simple idea of using jackson pollocks work to create in animation


this is an interview of John Lennon,they created an animation theres not much typography animation.but the images are amazing and works very well with the interview of john lennon works well of his personality.

this his is web address of the illustrations:
James Braithwaite
This is an example using typography in animation,they are extremely effective and you follow the word with what they are saying in the record using typography giving it a another context.
This record is lock stock and two smoking barrels.

So my brief have have been given is called silent movie
we have to choose three word and create a ten second animation this is my first time to do animation i am looking forward to this but worried cos I am quit slow learning new things.
My three word are